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Michael Mokrus

I have been a therapist in private practice since 1989. I also teach, lecture and supervise internationally in various mindfulness-based somatic, psychological and trauma therapy training programmes for health professionals.

Originally based in body psychotherapy inspired by osteopathic medicine and humanistic psychology, I now teach the cutting edge approaches of NARM (The NeuroAffective Relational Model developed by L. Heller PhD) and SSP (SomatoSensible Psychodynamik), a therapeutic approach I have developed in recent years.


My approach to both educational and therapeutic facilitation is primarily based on the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM).. This model integrates process-oriented, somatic and mindfulness-based approaches with a psychodynamic understanding of the process of change and transformation. The specific approach is individually adapted to the person and their respective context.

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There is a space between stimulus and response. This space contains our strength to choose a response.
Inherent in our response resides both our growth and our freedom

Viktor E. Frankl


january 2025

29jan(jan 29)10:0002feb(feb 2)16:30Das NeuroAffektive Beziehungsmodell (NARM)Fortbildung für Therapeuten Event TagsA,Schloss Goldegg

february 2025

04feb(feb 4)10:0008(feb 8)17:00The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM)Advanced Training for Therapist Event TagsGroesbeek,NL

march 2025

24mar(mar 24)9:3025(mar 25)17:00NARM-VertiefungFortbildung für NARM-Therapeuten*innen Event TagsA,Seeham

27mar(mar 27)10:0030(mar 30)18:00Liebe, Sexualität und Intimität Event TagsA,Salzburg

april 2025

03apr(apr 3)10:0006(apr 6)17:00SCHAM, SCHULD UND IDENTITÄTDer Umgang mit Scham- und Schuldgefühlen und die Entwicklung eines gesünderen Selbst Event TagsD,Köln

14apr(apr 14)10:0017(apr 17)17:00NARM in Beziehungsdynamiken und PaartherapieBegleitung bei konflikthaften Veränderungs- und Entwicklungsprozessen Event TagsD,Köln

>> Dates Workshops & Trainings