Shame, Guilt and Identity
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august, 2023

30aug(aug 30)18:0003sep(sep 3)16:00Shame, Guilt and IdentityDissolving the vicious circle of chronic stress, shame, guilt and distorted identity Event TagsNijeholtpade,NL

Event Details



In this seminar we will explore the development of feelings of shame and guilt from a neuroscientific, early childhood attachment and an intergenerational perspective.

The roots of lifelong feelings of shame and guilt are often found in stress caused by early developmental or shock traumas. Feelings of shame and guilt develop as a reaction to stress and disorganization in the body and in turn generate further stress and disorganization.

Negative beliefs about ourselves, such as „I am bad“ and the numerous variations of this conviction are based on the early experience of „I feel bad“. At the level of identity, shame and guilt become the basis of highly distorted identifications and self-judgments that can last a lifetime.

When we understand that shame and guilt have more to do with the inadequacy of the environment than with our own failures, it helps us to view ourselves in a new and more compassionate way. We can be more connected to our aliveness and strength, have more behavioural options and distorted self-images dissolve.

We will explore the topic both theoretically and practically, so that participants can learn to understand their own authentic experiences. Body- and psychotherapists will become more aware of the crucial significance of this dynamic in working with people and are provided with an important understanding and tools to expand their work.

Topics covered

  • Affect development and affect regulation
    • How do feelings of shame and guilt develop?
    • Appropriate coping with feelings of shame and guilt and the resulting behaviour
  • Natural feelings of shame and guilt vs. those resulting from overwhelming experiences
  • Dissolving the vicious cycle of chronic stress, feelings of shame and guilt and distorted Identity
  • Shame/Guilt
  • As identity-generating forces
  • As a intergenerational phenomenon
  • From a neurophysiological perspective
  • From a developmental perspective
  • Shame/guilt and implicit memory
  • Practical tools and understanding when exploring shame/guilt dynamics in therapy 


The content and structure of the seminar are suitable for both psycho- and bodytherapists.

The course will be taught in English.



August 30 – September 3, 2023, starting at 18.00 hrs


Centre the Bron, Nijeholtpade


AUMM Instituut, Information and booking: or 0031-595 423023


 € 560,-

Register online or contact



August 30 (Wednesday) 18:00 - September 3 (Sunday) 16:00


Centrum de Bron

Binnenweg 18, Nijeholtpade 8475 EG, Nederland


Aumm Opleiding PRTWadwerderweg 97 9988 SV Usquert Phone: +31 595 - 423023